I saw this beautiful picture my dear friend and brother in Christ, Mark Chatwin from Australia had posted on Facebook and it reminded me so much of Jesus walking on the water. The light shining on the stilled waves almost form a path for our Savior to walk across. Imagine being in the boat that night as He came from shore and walked toward the disciples on the newly calmed Galilean Sea. Peter jumped up and leaped from the boat to meet the Lord! But his faith waivered. He looked down at the water and took his eyes off of Jesus. Panicking, he began to sink. Jesus rescued him as He daily rescues us from our moments of panic and doubt.
"When, Oh Lord, will we learn to fix our eyes on you? Keep ourselves above the scary circumstances of the day, the petty worries, the waves tossing about our ankles and walk on the water that is faith in you?"
"You see our weakness and rescue us dear Lord. We pray you will help us to grow strong in faith. Running with patience the race set before us, keeping our eyes on you Lord. Fighting the true fight for the one who endured the cross, despising the shame who now sits at the right hand of the Father and yet lives in our world too...in our lives and in our hearts...ready to keep us above our failures and fears in the light of your presence. Thank you Lord! For all you do for us each day to keep us from sinking in the mire of this world and teach us instead to triumph in You!" AMEN!
Jesus Noticing You
11 years ago